Part 2: A Scary Diagnosis

My healing journey did not end after the traumatic brain injury (TBI). As with most healing journeys, I was unaware that my path had just begun.

My life, and story, took another major turn. But this time, I was prepared. One major lesson I learned from the TBI, and the accident in general, is that our thoughts are powerful. Our words are powerful. WE are powerful. In many cases of trauma or serious illness, a person’s thoughts, feelings, and words can make a huge difference in their healing.

After the accident, I thought a big part of my job in energy work would be with trauma patients, because I’d been there. I went through it, dealt with the PTSD, and was exhausted by constantly being in hospitals and doctors offices. I was sick and tired of the numerous check-ups and tests. This is why I supplemented my healing with learning energy work. With Reiki I was able to find the time and place to decompress; to focus on my mind, body, and soul.

In those days, I threw myself into learning as much as I can. I was also drawn to Oncology Reiki. I couldn’t explain it at the time, only that it felt right for me to add it to my practice.

Shortly after opening Balanced Earth, I was honored to have the opportunity to work on amazing people who were going through chemotherapy and radiation. It was fulfilling to provide a safe space for them to de-stress and help their bodies to relax. (I still feel privileged to work with oncology patients.)

Then, it happened.

In 2022, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma that was rapidly advancing in both my lymph nodes and bone marrow.

Luckily, I had all the tools to help me get through 6 months of chemotherapy, because Reiki is an excellent addition to Western medicine. So while I began R-Chop (6 rounds of chemotherapy every 3 weeks), I worked on myself at home with energy healing, meditation, and more. It wasn’t easy, but it made handling the process a lot less difficult. The end of chemo was roughest for me, and other than the fatigue, I felt well overall.

Now, here I am. Six months after having my port removed and working on a class for others dealing with these scary diagnoses. I want to share my experience and how I handled it to those would like to add holistic healing to their current Western medicine plans.

If you’re one of those people, my wish for you is hope, faith, and speedy healing along this journey.

Stay tuned. The class on Navigating Chemotherapy Through Mind-Body-Spirit is coming soon. Announcements will be made on my social media pages.

